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TISL requests public not to be misled


There have been malicious misrepresentations of our activities and financial integrity, commencing on Saturday the 20th of February 2010. The facts and figures disclosed on TISL website (  have been subject to misinterpretation.

TISL has consistently adhered to the highest standards of transparency and accountability in implementing several multi sectoral, geographically diverse and multifaceted activities towards “Building a nation of Integrity”. TISL is the national chapter of a global coalition against corruption. TISL is an independent, self fundraising organization autonomously developing its strategic direction and programmes. These programmes are implemented in a non partisan and apolitical manner.

Having clearly demonstrated TISL’s commitment to Right to Information, we have placed in public domain all funding received since inception, the respective funding sources, annual accounts and a comprehensive narration of programmes implemented with these funds.

TISL requests the public NOT to be misled by these deliberate misinterpretations of our organizational motives and conduct of TISL.

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