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Corruption charges against CMC: CM to take action

Western Province Chief Minister Prasanna Ranatunga says he will take appropriate action on charges of alleged corruption among members of the Colombo Municipal Council (CMC). The Chief Minister dissolved the CMC last week.

main-cartoon-24_06_2010Mr. Ranatunga told the Sunday Times that nine charges have been levelled against Colombo Municipal Council members in a report that was submitted to him last month. “The charges relate to both administrative and finance matters,” he said.

The alleged irregularities on the part of CMC members include:

  • The awarding of a two-year contract in 2007 to private company Carekleen Pvt Ltd to clear solid waste in two areas of Colombo, without calling for tenders and seeking the CMC’s approval;
  • The unauthorised purchase of 1,590 Usha Sewing machines at a cost of Rs. 20 million from Telesonic International;
  • A bulk purchase of sheets of asbestos roofing at Rs.968.30 per sheet, as tendered by Chandra Sri Hardware stores, after rejecting an offer of asbestos roofing sheets at Rs.746.23 per sheet, as tendered by Sri Ramco Private Firm;the council’s evaluation committee had recommended the Sri Ramco product as conforming to the purchase specifications;
  • The purchase of 10,211 sheets of asbestos for approximately Rs. 8.5 million drawn from Colombo Municipal Council funds for the personal use of council members;
  • The purchase of 5,682 pieces of galvanised sheeting for approximately Rs. 5 million from municipal funds for the personal use of council members.
  • Failing to credit the Colombo Municipal Council’s general fund with a sum of Rs. 28.9 million earned from the Sathutu Uyana (children’s playground), at the Vihara Maha Devi Park. The park comes under the CMC.

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