A sum of over rupees three million has been misappropriated at the Moneragala Health Services Deputy Director’s office .
An official of the Uva Province Health Ministry said that salaries have been paid under false names of employees and salaries of staff including even medical officers who had gone on transfer too have been included.
Investigations made on a tip-off to the Moneragala audit office that a sum of Rs. 3, 360, 099.88 had been found misappropriated, officials said.
It has been revealed that a sum of Rs. 3, 212, 400.40 had been fraudulently obtained on false vouchers. In addition a sum of Rs. 114,735.29 and Rs. 32,924.88 had been fraudulently credited to W. O. P. Fund and Agrahara Insurance and stamp fees respectively.
The total loss caused to the government thereby was Rs. 3,360,099.88. The administrative officer and the deputy director of health services had approved the related vouchers.
Cheques had also been written on false names and cancelled without a request from the owner of the cheques.
Sequel to the revelation of the fraud, services of a management assistant of the office of the Deputy Director of Health Services have been suspended for failure to report for duty. Part of the funds she availed of had been refunded. In an attempt to protect the high officials involved in the racket, no complaints have been made to police.
Uva Provincial Council had been apprised of the fraud but no legal action has yet been pursued.