Two major fraudsters who cheated a sum of Rs.22.6 million were taken into custody in Athiwatta, Kandy by the Fraud Investigation Bureau.
The suspects were arrested by the police as they were on the run after several special police teams were deployed to arrest them, police media spokesman Prishantha Jayakody said.
They have been running two foreign employment agencies in Kalubowila and Wellawatta. The suspects were arrested following information gathered from the area and based on a tip-off, the FIB carried out the raid.
The suspects have been misleading youths by promising them employment after taking money from them. Important documents were also recovered after gathering relevant information by further questioning the suspects.
The FIB is investigating to recover more valuable documents and money that have been hidden by the suspects and to find out other charges that are under the name of the two suspects.
The victims have lodged 39 complaints at the police stations against the suspects for cheating them and fleeing with money.
The Bureau is now investigating to arrest more suspects who were close associates of the arrested fraudsters, SP Jayakody said.