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Alleged fraud in Thalasaemia project in NWP


Several irregularities in the purchase of five laptop computers and a multimedia projector for a Thalasaemia project in the North Western Province have been revealed by government auditors.

They said more than Rs.92,690 had been paid to purchase these items and there was a violation of government financial regulations and procurement procedures.

Although the related purchase documents had stated that the laptops and the multimedia projector were made in America the items were made in China and neither was a warranty certificate issued by the suppliers.

The auditors found that two of the items were already defective. They said the purchasing officers had failed to provide the necessary safeguards for the public funds that had been used in the purchase.

The auditors had also reported of several other alleged malpractices including the failure to deposit the cash collections regularly.sure to prevent the School Principal from leaving the country.

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