Sri Lanka’s declining rank on the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2006 of Transparency International reflects the continuous deterioration of the corruption situation in the country. Sri Lanka’s rank has dipped a considerable 6 notches bringing it from 78 in 2005 to 84 in 2006, in the Index which covers 163 countries. Further the Confidence Range indicator of Sri Lanka has fallen by another 0.1 this year, bringing it down to 3.1. It is also significant that Sri Lanka which had previously scored above all the other countries in the South Asian sub continent has for the first time ranked below India.
The CPI score relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption as seen by business people and country analysts and ranges between 10 (highly clean) and 0 (highly corrupt).
Taking into consideration the global implications, recognition and comprehensive nature of the CPI, TI Sri Lanka urges all stakeholders, with special emphasis on the government of Sri Lanka to pay immediate attention to these warning signals and to take all measures to combat this menace of corruption. The need to implement the international commitments under the United Nations Convention against Corruption, which has been ratified by Sri Lanka is now incredibly urgent.
CPI2006 Short Methodology | CPI2006 Press Pack | CPI 2006 Table with country sources | CPI 2006 Results Poster | CPI2006 World Map